button that controls the state of my rgb

Welcome to my Spotify web app!

Button to logins


Cogwheel to display settings menu


Scroll up Scroll down
Library icon

Your Library

Shuffle playlist Last song Control Playback pause/play Next song Loop playlist


There are only 2 required cookies and they are a unique userID which handels database stuff and a boolean which remembers what you answer on this. Any other cookie is for managing settings

Welcome to my desktop wallpaper!
Please configure your wallpaper before proceeding.
Don't worry you can always come back here.

Where is the Windows taskbar located? Choose the panel layout: left arrow right arrow



Now Playing

Apologies, but this wallpaper does not support phones.

If you want to see it anyway go ahead but I am not sure why you'd use it.

Apologies, but this wallpaper does not support this resoltuion.

If you believe this is in error you can procced by clicking the button below but keep in mind it is not designed for this use.

Apologies, but this wallpaper does not support this resoltuion. Like it is seriously not recomended, no button for you.